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This newsletter and my writing here is meant to provoke conversations. The best of writers can only tell half the story; it takes readers to tell the other half. Written commentaries on current social and political events these days are more plentiful than funny farts in a kindergarten class — and not as entertaining. It takes a little time and labor to moderate the online conversation here at Moral Dilemmas. That is why I request as many conversation partners as possible to become paid subscribers. Thank you. - Rollie Atkinson

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Subscribe to Moral Dilemmas: First Drafts & Commentaries

Here is a collection of social commentaries and short fiction pieces written by a veteran newspaper journalist now focusing on the small, but consequential moments of ordinary life and all the surrounding noise we need to learn to ignore.


I am a veteran newspaper journalist, now retired and committing my writing skills to short fiction focused on the small moments of ordinary life where you find those most enduring and often surprising lessons and truths.