Another pleasant easy, thank you

Love is a quick and easy word, but as you say to what meaning? People say I love my school, pizza, band, or athletic shoes, but these entities can’t “love” you in return.

Two aliens in a Dr. Who episode pondered Earthlings “love”. To a request for a definition from his fellow alien, “a shared fantasy “ was the cogent reply, by the Earthly British writers of the TV program.

That definition resonates with me. I find pleasure and/or happiness in some things (there is a difference), but “Loves’s a Word I Never Throw Around”…. https://youtu.be/eqs7LLLEc4A?si=40Xw1cIBFD9ulYlc

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Good column, but one glaring error. “How do I love thee…….” Was indeed Sonnet #43, but it was written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, not Shakespeare.

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Am I wrong to say, “ I love this”! ♥️

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Rollie: I love you man! You remind me of all that is good in the world, and your references to all legendary writers are, well, beyond words...

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