Ah…. the good old days remembered well!

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I have a few old photos from my youth and that's enough. People take too many, in my opinion, photos today. It demeans the art form. Besides, who wants a photo or video record of their youthful indiscretions?

I miss Polaroids. We used to take Polaroids of the Trick or Treaters that came to our house on Halloween and hand them to the kids and parents. That's all gone just like Kodachrome and Technicolor film.

Maybe the American Indians were right when they said that cameras were spirit catchers.

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Hi Rollie,

Coincidentally, my wife and I met up with our neighbors at Kodachrome State Park in Utah recently. The park was named after the film by a National Geographic Society expedition in 1948. We, of course, took lots of pictures of beautiful redrock slot canyons with our iPhones which we have shared with friends after returning this last week.

Someday I will resurrect our slides from many years past when slides were way cheaper (I never had a slide projector). So it’s a different organizing challenge from managing our digital photos which I haven’t done very well either. I guess my point is it takes a certain focus to find the time to properly archive one’s external memories.

Also coincidentally, we happened upon a cricket hatch on Hwy 50 which we at first thought was the double cicada hatch you reported on previously. We passed through Austin, Nevada 3 weeks ago and again a few days ago. The unfortunate people in Austin and other towns in the area are still experiencing the invasion of thousands (millions?) of potato bug size Mormon Crickets. The roadways are literally slick with bug guts that smell like fish (greasy grimy gopher guts?). We are still working on scrubbing our truck and trailer. It’s a fascinating natural phenomenon, but creepy all the same.

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