Scouts are still earning merit badges, performing community service projects (like posting the flags on Main Street), as well as doing Eagle projects for a wide range of recipients (including Ragle Park and Hallberg Butterfly Garden). They are growing up to be responsible individuals doing daily good turns and are guided by the Scout Oath and Law. Perhaps as a community we can find more ways to support them.

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Some of us became fiercely independent of the McDonald’s footprint. We became educated entrepreneurs. Never caught in the current of becoming sheep. We watched as the addictions became more pronounced, culminating in the cell phone. Presence our default.

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Marketing is absolutely capable of pulling our human levers, it is literally un resistible. Chasing what’s “in”, the latest, newest-most, etc, is like trying to look into one’s ear, no matter how fast you turn, it just a little out of reach, you just need a little more.

I was happy with a 15” portable TV - at least until my wife moved in. When I was a kid you wore clothes until they wore out or you out grew them. Same with cars- until it cost more to fix than buy. Everyone had tools in the garage. If an appliance broke, you repaired it, and if you couldn’t repair it, you called The Repairman. The Repairman is almost a mythical creature from folk lore now. Sad and unnecessary, like most of what we buy. Christmases and birthdays almost equate to landfill. Just think how many life forms would still be alive if it weren’t for Madison Ave.

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McDonald’s sells 6.5 billion hamburgers worldwide every day. That includes 5.4 million in the U.S. alone. Last year, people worldwide also bought 64 million cars and 1.4 billion smartphones.

That math seems suspect. 6.5 billion per day? That means approx 2/3 of the planet eats one McD burger per day. Who’s eating mine? Haven’t stepped in a McD in 30 years.

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