Thank you for reminding us of these events.

A key aspect of the story of the people in this history are their parents, both by teaching hate, or by neglecting to prevent bullying; The classic play and movie, “South Pacific” has the powerful and controversial song, “You’ve Got to be Taught”.

With so many people left out of significant aspects of Our Democracy, resentment and frustration are ever present. Other nations have found partial solutions, but we here call such Socialism….

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I don't know but who doesn't want to "Make America Great Again" as it is right now under a socialist

almost communist government we elected in 2020 whom likes nothing more than keeping the nation under total chaos as a policy, open Borders, riots in the streets, gangs stealing in numbers, economy out of control, people don't feel safe, foreign policy a joke, the FBI DOJ SS and other alphabet agencies are all weaponized against us. Take Jan 6 the so called insurrection was not instigated by Trump it was people expressing their god given right to assemble peacefully and to express their concerns of a shaky election in 2020. Trump had said in his speech prior to Jan 6 to be peaceful and non violent when protesting, but you don't hear about that on CNN. Why do you think they tried to snuff out Trump, he wants change in America, he wants peace in America, Capitalism in America with no chaos, JFK, RFK & M LK all wanted the same but they were snuffed out before they could make changes. Trump simply loves America, sure he is a braggart a bully and would love nothing more than to have the power of the Presidency but he is not a dictator or a Nazi as said by the left, I think he has proven this in 2016-2020. I don't know about you but I myself like secure borders, safety in our streets our homes and in schools.

There is a war going on right now and its against the common citizen through out the world. Isn't it weird that almost every country has open borders at this time, isn't that strange, what is there agenda, to flood these countries with illegal immigration thus removing their own sovereignty . A one world government?

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