Rollie, I’ll continue to support your thoughts, but as far as breads, we in the North Bay have a valuable resource, Central Milling flour company in Petaluma. They probably supply most of the business that bake around here, but best of all, they have a full professional kitchen where anyone can learn to economize or create, making a multitude of edibles. Take a browse and a short drive. By my subscription, I can give you bread, but more satisfying is to make your own.


Best regards

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I believe that your readers Will stick with you through thick and thin. So you don’t even need to ask.onto another subject. I am so sick of Password authentication. I have an account I’m paid up and boom They want me to redo my password.this week it’s been YouTube Substack and Google. The bottom line for me is I don’t care about passwords and I really don’t enjoy threading the needles for them. Rollie this just happened as I was trying to reply to your question. They say they’re trying to protect my identification, bullshit. They’re trying to maximize their monetization platform through Some incongruous, to me, modeling. Paul.

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Paul, stay away from YouTube/Google is my advice. I avoid them like the plague.

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Rollie, I enjoy your articles, even though we disagree on some topics. That's debate and free speech in a free society.

You interviewed Buckminster Fuller. Fascinating. I read his book 20 years ago or so. Fuller got kinda wiggy at the end. But I like his geodesic dome idea and how Fuller showed how all the continents are still linked for a power grid possibility.

In Spokane, WA out in the woods, my hippie friends lived on a dirt road called "Dome Lane." All the homes were geodesic domes, hence the name.

I'm still subscribed to your substack. I also read many substacks and have my own. It's a good medium, but I still prefer Wordpress for writing long articles with photos and links.


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PS: A dollar in 1970 bought the same goods as $8 in 2024. On August 15th, 1971, President Nixon closed the gold window and the dollar became fiat currency backed by nothing. Hence, inflation went through the roof. 1980-81 was a mini-depression with 20% interest rates as Fed Chairman Volcker tried to get inflation under control.

The workers of America haven't had an increase in real wages ever since. Only the rich got richer.

On August 21st, 1971 (five days later) was Military Draft Lottery Day for us boys born in 1952. We could win a free trip to Vietnam, all expenses paid, if our birthday was one of the first 90 birth dates drawn from the lottery drum.


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I look forward to your sub stacks.

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